
class astroquery.utils.tap.Tap(*, url=None, host=None, server_context=None, tap_context=None, port=80, sslport=443, default_protocol_is_https=False, connhandler=None, upload_context=None, table_edit_context=None, data_context=None, datalink_context=None, verbose=False, use_names_over_ids=False)[source]

Bases: object

TAP class Provides TAP capabilities


urlstr, mandatory if no host is specified, default None


hoststr, optional, default None

host name

server_contextstr, mandatory, default None

server context

tap_contextstr, mandatory, default None

tap context

upload_contextstr, optional, default None

upload context

table_edit_contextstr, mandatory, default None

context for all actions to be performed over a existing table

data_contextstr, optional, default None

data context

datalink_contextstr, optional, default None

datalink context

portint, optional, default ‘80’

HTTP port

sslportint, optional, default ‘443’

HTTPS port

default_protocol_is_httpsbool, optional, default False

Specifies whether the default protocol to be used is HTTPS

connhandlerconnection handler object, optional, default None

HTTP(s) connection hander (creator). If no handler is provided, a new one is created.

use_names_over_idsWhen True use the name attributes of columns as the

names of columns in the astropy.table.Table instance. Since names are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise, (default), use the ID attributes as the column names.

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

Methods Summary

launch_job(query, *[, name, output_file, ...])

Launches a synchronous job

launch_job_async(query, *[, name, ...])

Launches an asynchronous job

list_async_jobs(*[, verbose])

Returns all the asynchronous jobs

load_async_job(*[, jobid, name, verbose, ...])

Loads an asynchronous job

load_table(table, *[, verbose])

Loads the table metadata, for the specified table.

load_tables(*[, verbose])

Loads all public table metadata.

save_results(job, *[, verbose])

Saves job results

search_async_jobs(*[, jobfilter, verbose])

Searches for jobs applying the specified filter

Methods Documentation

launch_job(query, *, name=None, output_file=None, output_format='votable', verbose=False, dump_to_file=False, upload_resource=None, upload_table_name=None, maxrec=None, format_with_results_compressed=('votable', 'fits', 'ecsv'))[source]

Launches a synchronous job

querystr, mandatory

query to be executed

namestr, optional, default None

custom name defined by the user for the job that is going to be created

output_filestr, optional, default None

file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead

output_formatstr, optional, default ‘votable’

results format

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

dump_to_filebool, optional, default ‘False’

if True, the results are saved in a file instead of using memory

upload_resourcestr, bytes, os.PathLike object or astropy.table.table.Table object, optional, default None

votable to be uploaded to UPLOAD_SCHEMA

upload_table_namestr, optional, default None

resource temporary table name associated to the uploaded resource. This argument is required if upload_resource is provided.

maxrecint, optional, default None

maximum number of rows to return (TAP MAXREC parameter)

format_with_results_compressed: tuple, zipped result formats

list of result formats that are returned as zipped files

A Job object
launch_job_async(query, *, name=None, output_file=None, output_format='votable', verbose=False, dump_to_file=False, background=False, upload_resource=None, upload_table_name=None, autorun=True, maxrec=None, format_with_results_compressed=('votable', 'fits', 'ecsv'))[source]

Launches an asynchronous job

querystr, mandatory

query to be executed

namestr, optional, default None

custom name defined by the user for the job that is going to be created

output_filestr, optional, default None

file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead

output_formatstr, optional, default ‘votable’

result formats

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

dump_to_filebool, optional, default ‘False’

if True, the results are saved in a file instead of using memory

backgroundbool, optional, default ‘False’

when the job is executed in asynchronous mode, this flag specifies whether the execution will wait until results are available

upload_resourcestr, bytes, os.PathLike object or astropy.table.table.Table object, optional, default None

votable to be uploaded to UPLOAD_SCHEMA

upload_table_namestr, optional, default None

resource temporary table name associated to the uploaded resource. This argument is required if upload_resource is provided.

autorunboolean, optional, default True

if ‘True’, sets ‘phase’ parameter to ‘RUN’, so the framework can start the job.

maxrecint, optional, default None

maximum number of rows to return (TAP MAXREC parameter)

format_with_results_compressed: tuple, zipped result formats

list of result formats that are returned as zipped files

A Job object
list_async_jobs(*, verbose=False)[source]

Returns all the asynchronous jobs

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of Job objects
load_async_job(*, jobid=None, name=None, verbose=False, load_results=True)[source]

Loads an asynchronous job

jobidstr, mandatory if no name is provided, default None

job identifier

namestr, mandatory if no jobid is provided, default None

job name

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

load_resultsbool, optional, default ‘True’

load results associated to this job

A Job object
load_table(table, *, verbose=False)[source]

Loads the table metadata, for the specified table. If the user is logged in, the table can refer to a table in the user’s private area.

tablestr, mandatory

full qualified table name (i.e. schema name + table name)

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A TapTableMeta object
load_tables(*, verbose=False)[source]

Loads all public table metadata. If the user is logged in, it also returns metadata for those tables in the user’s private area.

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of TapTableMeta objects
save_results(job, *, verbose=False)[source]

Saves job results

jobJob, mandatory


verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

search_async_jobs(*, jobfilter=None, verbose=False)[source]

Searches for jobs applying the specified filter

jobfilterJobFilter, optional, default None

job filter

verbosebool, optional, default ‘False’

flag to display information about the process

A list of Job objects